6 Essentials to Pack for the Honeymoon

6 Essentials to Pack for the Honeymoon

Your honeymoon can be a dream or a nightmare. It’s up to you. One of the first ways to increase the chances of having a great time is to pack correctly. Of course, you should consider the climate and activities on your agenda. For example, if you’re heading to the ski slopes, then bring your bundle-up gear and any equipment you need to enjoy the sport. But there are other items that are universal and necessary for any honeymoon or romantic getaway. Here’s what you will definitely need to pack: 

6 Essentials to Pack for the Honeymoon

1.  Sexy Lingerie and Accessories

Sure, your birthday suit will suffice. But this is supposed to be extra special sex. So, pull out all that lingerie from your bridal shower (and certainly the stuff your beloved has bought for you over the years) and plan on giving him a sexy fashion show in your hotel room. Don’t be afraid to go a little over the top. The G-string with bells or the temporary jewel tattoos you received as gag gifts during wedding planning can be a lot of fun on vacation. Men, don’t let down your lady either. A silky boxer short or at least some clean underwear show you care. P.S., she won’t mind in the least if you want to strut your stuff on the pretend runway, too. 

2.  Medication

Duh! If you need to take any prescriptions, you better pack that stuff up first. Nothing will kill the romance faster than one of you being sick. In fact, if you are heading to a foreign destination, especially one that is remote or exotic, you might want to carry along some over-the-counter meds, such ibuprofen, Benadryl, or Pepto. You want to be prepared in case of an emergency. This is a smart move on any trip you take.  

3.  Entertainment

Yes, you’ll have lots of sex on your honeymoon – or at least we hope you do. But man cannot live on sex alone. Really. It’s true. If you’re going to a beach destination, where the rain can put an end to the day’s activities or a quiet B&B, you might want to bring along some travel games or the portable DVD player and some of your favorite movies. More than a few honeymooners have told me that this stuff comes in handy, even if just while they are killing time in the airport or train station. Unfortunately, lots of couples just think they don’t need anything to distract them when love and lust is at the heart of their trip – and then boredom strikes.  

4.  Surprises for Your Beloved

You have probably already given your spouse a wedding gift. But you should pack up a surprise to hand over during the honeymoon. You don’t even have to spend any money. A letter expressing how happy you are to be married to him or her or something you have made, such as a lei if you’re going to Hawaii, will suffice. It just adds a little magic to the journey. You could also plan a surprise activity, such as a couples massage or special dinner, for when you arrive at your destination. 

5.  Documents and Emergency Contacts

Whenever you travel, you must have the essential documents, such as valid photo IDs for passing through security at the airport. But you must carry your passports and copies of your birth certificates, especially if you’re traveling abroad. In case you lose anything, leave copies of your passports with family members with whom you’ll be in touch while you’re gone. Also, know how to reach the consulate for your country wherever you are going. If you lose your documents or need any kind of special help, the consulate is your best bet. At least one honeymooning couple I know lost all their money and documents while traveling from Italy to the United States, and it put a real damper on their vacation. Having copies of documents and contacts already in place could have at least sped things up for them. 

6.  Patience.

For many couples this kind of traveling – with the added pressure of making it the best sex and making sure it’s a dream vacation – is the first test of the marriage. People’s true colors come out when they’re delayed at an airport or having trouble communicating with the foreign bell hop. Being patient and kind will go a long way to setting the standard for your conduct in this marriage. Bonus, it will also go a long way to making your honeymoon your first fabulous memory as a married people. 

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